Matthew Salter
Senior Consultant
Matthew has worked in the health and safety field for the past fifteen years, developing extensive experience supporting employers in the provision of Work (Occupational) Health and Safety across Australia.
Matthew provides strategic advice and guidance to Boards and Executive Management Teams with a focus on building internal capability and influencing cultural change against the requirements of complex legislation.
Recent experience
- Development of strategic plans, action plans and risk management plans to assist clients to mitigate health and safety risks associated with their operations.
- Customisation of template Occupational Health and Safety management systems
- Development and implementation of Contractor Management systems
- Completion of first response incident investigations of serious workplace incidents
- Performing risk priority-based gap analyses and surveillance audits against relevant legal criteria
- Providing strategic advice in relation to Injury Management and Industrial Medicine
- Delivery of customised training
As a qualified physiotherapist, Matthew also has extensive experience in the field of Injury Management and Industrial Medicine. Matthew practiced in a private practice setting as well as providing onsite physiotherapy services.
Matthew has also developed and delivered numerous ergonomics and manual handling training packages to industry, including a package titled ‘The Industrial Athlete’ which focuses on both workplace risk factors and human risk factors in the causation of work-related injury.

M: +61 487 700 898
A: Level 17, 130 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, 3000